Student Reporter

Patricia Pixler fills up her Northwestern cupNorthwestern has a new filling station in the middle of its campus.

The J.W. Martin Library’s newest addition is an Elkay ezH20 drinking fountain equipped with a water bottle filling station which is motion activated by a sensor.

The fountain has a digital display which shows the number of water bottles reused or saved because of the fountain.

Since its installation, Northwestern’s Elkay fountain has saved more than 210 bottles which is about 20 bottles a day. The funtain cost the library approximately $883.76 according to the purchase order, the price almost twice as much as an ordinary drinking fountain.

Shawna Gilbert said, “We thought it was something the students would enjoy to have so that they can refill their water bottles and have clean, cold, purified water.” Gilbert continued, “We’re kind of helping to save the environment.”

The fountain can be found in Northwestern’s library near the computers. The new filling station was ordered through Locke Supply Co., located in Woodward, Oklahoma and was installed by NWOSU’s maintenance crew on Sept.22.