By Jessica Schieber
Guest Columnist

I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to go to Minneapolis, Minnesota, with the vice president of membership, Sarah Brashears, and the president of Delta Zeta, Jamie Torres Franco.
I went as vice president of philanthropy.
Before we even had the chance to get to Minnesota, we had to deal with plane delays and cancelations.
We had to call someone to talk to us about how to get a new flight and get there because none of us had flown before this. We had to change our flight to Chicago to Dallas, and we left way later than what was the expected time.
The three of us grew closer to one another after spending the weekend together.
Once we got to Minnesota it was around 1 a.m., and we had to call an Uber to take us to the hotel the event was being held at. Once we all got to our rooms, we realized we all got single rooms. We all texted each other, asking if the other two had got the same treatment. Then upon knowing we all did, suddenly we all felt alone.
Throughout this trip we learned about our executive board positions and how to effectively lead through them. As the VP of philanthropy, I was able to tour the Starkey Hearing Foundation.
In the Starkey Hearing Foundation, I was able to see different ear molds and products and was able to see the difference in Starkey’s hearing aids versus an opposing company’s hearing aid.
In Starkey, I listened to the CEO of Starkey, Brandon Swalich, speak about how being a leader starts with leading yourself before others.
One of the things that he had said that really stood out was “it’s not about who you say you are; it’s what you do with it.”
I also got the privilege of listening to the co-founder of Starkey Hearing Foundation, Tani Austin, speak about her mission and why she does what she does.
While at the Starkey Hearing Foundation, I also got to listen to personal accounts of how the foundation has impacted individuals or given them the opportunity to see lives changed.
During my time at the foundation, the other two members went through different sessions to help them learn more about their position and what is expected of them.
I feel fortunate to be able to be a part of more than just a sorority with Delta Zeta.
Delta Zeta has become family.
“[During] this weekend I was able to learn about my purpose, not only within my chapter but also my life,” Torres Franco said.
“The way complete strangers will hug you like sisters and it makes a complete difference,” Brashears said, “and to see the impact they are making on other people, people who have learned to live their lives without something we take advantage of, changes your perspective on things.”
The last session we had was after dinner, and in this session, we got to listen to Barbra Bush, daughter of former President George W. Bush, and Austin give all of us advice on life.
“Don’t think that people don’t want to know you.” Austin advised all of us.
After listening to Barbra, we all got to meet the Delta Zeta national president, Cathy Painter. She was nice enough to take a picture with the three of us.
On the way home, we didn’t have any plane issues, and we had a calm flight from Minnesota to Denver and from Denver to Oklahoma City.
The entire trip has really opened my eyes and has made me so excited to take up my position as vice president of philanthropy.