By, MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

This past week, I watched the three-episode series on Disney plus called “WandaVision.”

I have always considered myself a casual Marvel fan.

I try to watch the movies as soon as they come out, but not always in theater. Sometimes, I wait until they come out on a streaming service.
This is the second time I’ve started something and then realized that I haven’t watched a movie that would go before it.

You see, I haven’t seen “Endgame.” I’m avoiding it. I’ve heard many spoilers, and I just don’t know if I’m ready for the emotional turmoil.

I have also never read the comic books. So, going into “WandaVision,” I’d only seen her in the older Avengers movies.

That being said, I missed some of the Easter eggs that were in the series. But I don’t think it affected my understanding.

It’s set like an old classic romance. They’re pretending to be this normal couple when obviously Wanda has powers and vision that are not human.
In any instance that goes wrong, Wanda changes her reality, which adds some funny twists throughout the series.

I personally liked it, but I’ve always liked the atmosphere of old shows. I like how, as the series progresses, it uses the same people, but through different decades. You might have to watch it to understand.

There were some instances where I was very confused and have to look up what it meant.

But my confusion came from my lack of knowledge of the other preceding movies.

If you haven’t “WandaVision” yet, I recommend you do. But watch the two-episode “Marvel Legends” before you do it.

It kind of recaps “WandaVision’s” stories, so you’re more caught up. You understand how their powers play into it, how they fell in love, all of it. My mistake was watching it after.

I give this series a three out of five stars. It’s not my favorite, but I might watch it again.

I recommend it to anyone who likes Marvel, anyone who likes old movies and the supernatural, and anyone who likes to look for Easter eggs in movies. This series has a lot of ties to the Avengers movies.

At one point, the series is stopped for a fake commercial. And if you’re paying attention, it’s from Stark industries, which I thought was funny.
I would definitely give this series a watch. It’s got some new elements than the older movies because it’s not a classic superhero movie.