By KOLTON FISHBACK, student reporter

            Homeland Supermarket was full of people but limited on items in every direction. No one thought this deadly virus would become a reality. Families large and small took precautions with latex gloves on their hands and masks on their faces to protect themselves from the virus that was threatening the entire country.

            The shelves were bare, limited with items of produce and assorted meats. People kept their distance from each other as they searched for what they wanted to purchase. Some customers would buy more than what they needed, stockpiling in case they couldn’t get more. The store felt cold and empty in a sense. Friends did not shake hands or hug because of this sickness going around. Every part of the store felt unfriendly because no one wanted to risk catching the virus. Small talk was absent this day except for COVID-19.

            The anxious customers raced to the aisle where the toilet paper is located to grab a few rolls, but the shelves were empty. They complained loudly, but the clerks could do nothing to help.