To the faculty and staff of Northwestern,

In a time of our state and nation that is precarious, we would like to take the time to thank the employees of Northwestern for the sacrifices you make.

Thank you for not only teaching us about the subject matter in classes, but for teaching us about life as well. Thank you for giving us a passion and a motivation for the future. We thank you for giving us a love of sciences, communication, literature, mathematics and art.

We understand that sometimes, we as college students can become tiresome and annoying. Sometimes we complain about additional homework or a paper due later this week. Deep down we understand you do this for our own good, but sometimes we can become short-sighted and not understand the value of the assignments we are given. At these times, we appreciate your patience in not berating us (too much), even though we may deserve it.

We appreciate the staff remaining patient through our endless questions, for helping us in applying for scholarships and for being patient with our stresses of trying to pay for college.

You are the underappreciated, hard-working members of this university who often do not receive enough thanks for all of your work. We appreciate you being here for us when we struggle with grades or need a helping hand. We appreciate the hours you put in to help make our university experience better and of higher quality.

To the administration, we cannot comprehend the stresses you endure to ensure Northwestern continues to flourish and grow. You make tough decisions each day, and often you hear more negativity than positivity as a result. We are fortunate to have an administrative staff that has a mission for Northwestern and its students before anything else. You put others before yourself every day.

We know that you wake up early to grade papers, you spend tedious hours processing information to help the university run. You look out for other members of the faculty and staff. You maintain great patience with us, even when we can be obnoxious or ungrateful.

Many of us came into this university without a clear image of the future. Though some of us still leave with uncertainty, at Northwestern we gain a motivation for the future. You give us a quality education while caring for our well-being. You welcome all students into the Northwestern family and give us something to ground us.

We believe we are deeply to be able to attend Northwestern, an institution that has faculty and staff that cares. You have a heart for this university and its individuals, and for that we are grateful. You inspire us to work harder and build higher aspirations. Each one of you does make a difference in this university, and as a result, you make a difference in our lives.

You help us in our journey, and you help shape our futures, so thank you.



– Northwestern News