by Lyla Murie, Student Reporter

  1. If someone is sitting alone at lunch or whenever, one can offer to sit with them. By doing this, it can help people make new friends.
  2. If there’s a group project in class and one person is left out, join that person and work on whatever is happening in that class. Nobody needs to feel left out and one person can help change that.
  3. Leave motivational and positive notes in random places around campus for people to see.
  4. Pay it forward- help someone out with a cup of coffee and/or snacks.
  5. Compliment someone- who knows, they might be having a hard day. One nice thing could change their mood and whole day.
  6. Let a teacher, or anyone that works on campus, know they are appreciated. By doing so, it can make a difference because who doesn’t want to be noticed and feel worthy.
  7. Someone could make a little goody basket and hand them out to people. Fill it with candy, snacks and inspirational notes. They could make it a theme with certain colors or festive if there’s a holiday near.
  8. Common courtesy, but hold the doors open for other people. A lot of people have neglected this specific mannerism.
  9. If someone is struggling to carry something, lend a helping a hand.
  10. Call an old friend or family member to check on them. It can really make their day and make them feel better.
  11. Volunteer around campus and/or the community. Volunteering is always a great way to show some kindness.
  12. Donating clothes or books is a very helpful resource for other college students who can’t afford to get any.
  13. Spend time with a friend who is need of comfort. Listening to them shows them you care. No one should have to suffer alone.
  14. If someone looks lost, help them. Don’t make fun of them, just reach out.
  15. Call someone you love or miss because that person will most likely feel the same and will very much appreciate it.