Student Reporter

As the clouds fade, rains dry and skies clear, it may appear as though all immediate threat has dispersed; however, it is quite important to remember that hazards also may exist in the aftermath of severe storms.

When emerging from a safety zone after severe weather, one should remember to remain observant of surroundings, watching for potential hazards. Such hazards might include chemical spills, flammable liquids, exposed wires, loose animals, exposed gas pipes and sharp objects. All may serve as a threat to your safety.

After a storm that has caused significant damage to surroundings, only use a battery or electric powered light source. Exposed flames can spark any flammable liquids or hazardous chemicals that might hav become exposed in the area.

If there might be damage to the building, shut off the natural gas, propane tanks and electrical power in the building. This will prevent any potential fires, electrocution or explosions. It is important to contact the local fire department if there is a gas leak.

If cleaning up a damaged area, one should wear sturdy shoes or boots, thick pants, long sleeves and gloves. This will help to avoid potential injury as a result of sharp objects.

In the event of severe weather on the Northwestern Oklahoma State University campus, the Northwestern weather safety committee will utilize the emergency text system. Students and faculty can register cellphones by logging into their RangerNet account. Then, enter the Cell Messaging tab, enter your cellphone number and answer the following questions.

Contact the campus police office after a severe storm if you notice any potential perils.

In severe weather, it is necessary to remain alert and observant.