Student Reporter

Dr. Angela Skousen got her Bachelor of Science and Nursing and Doctorate of Nursing Practice here at Northwestern Oklahoma State University. This is her first teaching job.

Q: What sold you to coming to NWOSU?
A: I love it there because I got my degrees there, it’s my alma mater.

Q: What is one of the goals you hope to accomplish here?
A: I hope to become a really good teacher

Q:What is your favorite class to teach and why?
A: Well right now I’ve only got two, so right now my favorite is health policy and ethics, and it’s just a fun course because it talks about whats going on today in nursing and how politics of success as nurse practitioners and things we need to know about to insure that our patients are getting proper cares and it’s about ethics in nursing so that we are treating all our patients equally

Q: What do you think is your superpower?
A: I feel like I’m really good at interacting with people and I’m used to interacting with patients so I’m hoping that will relate to students so that I can share some of my passion for nursing and for being a nurse practitioner.

Q: What is something most people don’t know about you? A: There are several things, but the best thing was my grown son and I went through the doctorate of nursing together. With a 30-year difference between us. So, it was interesting seeing his perspective on things versus my perspective on things. It was very fun.

Dr. Angela Skousen