By Kolton Fishback

Student Reporter

Throughout our lives, we go through things that have the potential to change our mindset or even our character at times.

That is not the case for junior Keion Bateast. The transfer from UCO has remained resilient throughout the years by overcoming his challenges to do the one thing he loves: play basketball. Bateast struggled in the classroom while at UCO, and was just focused on basketball. Not getting the chance to try out, he dropped out and got two jobs. It became an every day thing one job from 3 a.m. to noon and the second from 3 p.m. to midnight. His luck changed after having a conversation with the president of NWOSU, Dr. Janet Cunningham, during his hours of valet parking.

They discussed things about the university and what it offers. He got the call to come down and visit Alva. “Once I came to this school, I was pretty much excited to get started,” Bateast said. His main focus was on basketball, but he had a consistent job at Walmart from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. After working his shift, Bateast would arrive at practice with his work uniform still on. He was very busy, but did not let that affect him. After red-shirting last season, Bateast got his shot to play for the Rangers, but had a rough outcome.

He will remain at NWOSU for his senior season. “I’m going to stay here for another year and play through it because I’m not the type to just quit when things get hard.” He will continue to prove himself on and off the court and keep his heart set on what truly matters to him, basketball.

Bateast preaches that the life of a student athlete can be difficult at times when trying to manage school, sports and work all in one semester. He mentioned that he is excited for what this year will bring.