By LEAH DARNELL, Student Reporter

Darnell shares her thoughts on graduation and job-searching in the future

Graduation can be one of the scariest times of our lives.

We walk across the stage, get our diploma, shake the hand of President Cunningham and see the rest of our fellow graduates receive their diplomas.

Once the day is over, the question remains: What is next?

I have heard it said in one of my classes recently that you are preparing for college the summer you graduate from high school; the moment you graduate college, the job search begins.

We go through some scary moments — like graduating or finding a job.

Through all of these moments, some students have an extensive support system behind them with every decision.

In contrast, others do not have the support at home, and they strive to find it at school.

For me, I am blessed beyond words to have two amazing parents, James and Becky; a sister, Sarah; and a brother-in-law, Ethan Winter. I had countless friends and other family supporters when I needed them most.

Still, my parents and sister have always been a huge support system when I needed them at the right moment.

Ever since I was a child, my parents have supported Sarah and me in everything we set our minds and hearts to do.

Sarah always had the dream to be a Kindergarten teacher and marry a doctor.

When we were growing up, I was always “forced” to play school, and Sarah would teach me.

I did not always want to play, but I can say that I have helped Sarah become the fantastic Kindergarten teacher she is now.

Sarah graduated with her bachelor’s of science degree in education from Emporia State University in the spring of 2017.

In 2017, I graduated from high school, and I was weighing the option of two community colleges in Kansas: Cowley College, and Butler College. Sarah and I had a heart-to-heart conversation one day.

I decided on going to Cowley College, which only was 45 minutes to an hour away from home.

I still remember that, from the moment I stepped on the campus and met new people, I felt at home and did not want to leave.

All great things must end. I graduated with my associate of arts degree in mass communication in the spring of 2019.

For me, 2019 was a rough year. My grandpa Dacus passed away, and I was deciding my next steps.

I knew I could not do anything with just an associate’s degree; I started finding a university to transfer to that would take all of the credits from Cowley.

I felt God leading me towards Northwestern Oklahoma State University in Alva because the homepage came up on the screen unexpectedly.

I was finding everything I could about the communication program and more about the school.

I came on a campus tour and fell in love with the school and community. And all my credits transferred from Cowley.

I applied at Spring Showcase. Soon after, I was accepted, so I moved two hours away from home and was nervous about meeting people and being the odd one since I was the transfer student.

I got involved quickly at the Baptist Collegiate Ministries and met new people, who would then become great friends.

I quickly got involved with classes, activities and jobs while meeting new people from different backgrounds along the way.

I have made connections and amazing friends, so I am not ready to graduate, if I am being honest.

I am prepared and excited for the next chapter in my life and seeing what God will do in my life from this moment on.
While I was settling in at my new school, Sarah was working on her master’s degree in curriculum and instruction with a focus in leadership.

Then, 2020 came knocking. If 2020 wasn’t already crazy enough, she taught her Kindergarteners online, planned her dream wedding and worked on her classes for her master’s degree.

Despite all of the craziness of 2020 — trying to do classes online and uncertain days ahead — everything is coming together piece-by-piece in 2021. Now, graduation is right around the corner. In 16 short days, including weekends and finals week, I will graduate with my bachelor of science degree in mass communication. In 23 short days, Ethan will graduate with a doctorate in physical therapy from Wichita State University.

Then in August, Sarah will be done with her master’s degree from Emporia State University. Soon enough, myself, Sarah and Ethan will have every academic degree represented in three different areas: communication, teaching and physical therapy. Through all of the hours of classes, homework, clinicals and crying sessions, we all had fantastic support from our parents, friends, and other family members. Most importantly, we would not have made it without God, because He was and will be with us through it all.

I want to thank the fantastic people from First Baptist Church of Alva; the students and the Baptist Collegiate Ministries directors, Ronnie and Marian Payne; my former and current student coaches; and the project advisers and students I served with and for during my senior year in Student Support Services. In addition, I want to thank the students and professors in the mass communication program for the last two years.

Lastly, I want to thank my suitemates: Gracie Scarbrough, Adria Lujan, and Caitlyn and Emily Pray.

For my fellow graduates, we are close to the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep going. Believe in yourself. Next year, for the upcoming seniors, make the most of the time you have left at Northwestern; your senior year goes by quickly.

Enjoy the moments you have left.

If you have not been told lately, I am proud of you and everything you will accomplish.

Leah Darnell is pictured with her family on graduation day from Cowley College in 2019.
Leah Darnell and her parents at shown at her sister’s graduation at Emporia State in 2017.
Leah Darnell and her family are shown at her sister’s wedding in August.