by Ashley Strehl, Editor-in-Chief

There is a simple routine when going to a Ranger basketball game.
As you walk into Percefull Fieldhouse, you might hear music; hear balls hitting the backboards and bouncing on the ground or you may even smell popcorn, but as you walk down those steps into the gym do you ever look into the left corner?
Nestled in the corner is the Art Society goodie giveaway table, where members meet at every home basketball game to give away cookies, cakes and other baked or even non-baked goods.
In order to get one of these goods, participants must donate one dollar for three raffle tickets, potential goodie-winners may buy more than one to increase their chances and this raffle ticket has a number on it that can be called during the halftime of the men and women’s games and between the games as well.
If a ticket holders number is called, they have the option of going to the table and picking out a “goodie” of their choice.
Angelia Case, Art Society sponsor says that the Goodie Giveaway has been one of their major sources of fundraising.
“The big ticket item is the art show,” Case said. The annual Art Show will be held on March 8 through March 28.
The funds go towards tools used to hang up the art and for the art show winners. “Art is expensive,” Case said. “So, part of the money also go towards paint and tools and canvases for painting as well.”

“Generally we say that people should donate baked items, but they don’t have to be,” Case said. Case also said that the group gets together sometimes to make items on their own. They also occasionally buy cupcakes from Alva’s Market and decorate them.
Not only does goodie giveaway raise money for the Art Society, but they raise money for other programs, clubs and organizations that are affiliated with the Art Society as well. For example, Campus Cabinet stations a box by the table to allow Ranger fans to donate their non-perishable goods.
Case also said that proceeds to goodie giveaway last Saturday went towards Campus Cabinet.
The next few events that Art Society will have tables stationed at will be the home basketball games February 27 against Arkansas Tech University and 28 against Harding University.
Case has two main reasons why it is important to give to the goodie giveaways saying, “First of all just the participation of it is kind of fun, second, I would love it if students could be more active with this because the funds that we use are put back into the students. It’s just another way for students to be involved.”