By Kevin Ford

Student Reporter

Finals week approaches, graduation is coming up and the stress levels are peaking, but do not worry for Bahama Breakaway is right around the corner.

Bahama Breakaway is an annual event at Northwestern sponsored by the Student Government Association. Taking place today at 4 to 7:30 p.m. in Alva’s downtown square.

Hollie Pankake, senior health and sports science major, attended the event last year and is looking forward to it this year. “I enjoy all the fun games and activities everyone gets to participate in,” Pankake said. It is free for students to attend the event. Free burgers, drinks and hot dogs are served as part of the free food. There is also a Frosty Joe’s stand present for the convenience of students. “I advise students to get out and have fun before finals start,” Pankake said.

The activities feature a sand volleyball tournament, Limbo, an obstacle course and more games and prizes. Unlike the year before, a Corn Hole tournament has been added to the event. Another difference is there will be no blow-up bouncy houses, instead, the National Guard is supplying a new obstacle course to the event. There is also going to be a boys-only Hoola concert. Boys participating will dress up and do a dance for judges to determine a winner.

The SGA gets help from the university to fund the event. Each year the university allots the SGA a certain amount to get the event going, SGA vice president Ethan Sacket said.

Jordan Harris, sophomore health and sports science education major and president of SGA, said Bahama Breakaway is a great opportunity for students to interact and be social without being fixated on school related activities. “Bahama Breakaway is a good stress reliever for students, especially around finals week when the workload is typically large,” Harris said.

For students concerned about transportation, no worries, for the SGA has arranged shuttle buses to take students to Alva’s downtown square. In the past, international students have experienced difficulties finding transportation to the event. This year, SGA co-sponsor, Olivia Yandel, proposed the idea of shuttle buses. The buses are scheduled to depart from the tennis courts on the north side of the Wellness Center. The buses will bring students down to the square every 15 minutes from 3:30 to 4:30.

Finals might be on the horizon, but the SGA does a tremendous job with Bahama Breakaway. The event is social, people are enthusiastic and you may find yourself leaving the event with some prizes. All Northwestern students are welcome to come down to the town square and enjoy an abundance of activities and games.