Student Reporter

The Student Government Association hosted the annual Bahama Breakaway event April 23.

Students were able to participate in different challenges throughout the afternoon. The big challenges, the volleyball tournament and tug-of-war, required students to register before they could participate. For the mini challenges, anyone that was at Bahama Breakaway could participate when the challenge was announced.

The volleyball tournament started at 2 pm. Shelby Boxberger’s team won and received $120. The second place team was Zach Postoak’s, and they received $80.

Another competition that teams of students participated in was tug-of-war. The winning team was Baseball and Two Girls. The second place team was United Nations. Those teams also won a cash prize.

The mini challenges had an average of 10 teams participate in each challenge. Some of the winners of the mini challenges received $15 cash prizes.

Students and faculty were able to participate in the photo booth that was a new addition this year. Student Government Association Outgoing Officer Morgan Renbarger said, “The sponsors of the photo booth mentioned that this group of students and faculty were the most excited that they had seen in their photo booth.”

Participants got to take four pictures in the booth and then received a printed strip of the pictures they took. The Student Government Association also received a jump drive with all of the pictures that individuals took in the photo booth. Renbarger said, “There were a lot of pictures taken in the photo booth. I think this was one of the most popular activities at Bahama Breakaway.”

When students arrived at Bahama Breakaway they were able to put their name in a drawing for gift cards. A name was drawn every 15 minutes. Restaurants, boutiques, and stores donated gift cards for the drawing. Renbarger said, “This is the first year that the Student Government Association did not have to spend money on the gift cards. Normally we have to buy some of the gift cards to put into the drawing.”

Students and faculty also got to enjoy free sno-cones that were made by Frosty Joe’s sno-cone stand and sponsored by the campus club Something Greater.

This is one of the biggest events that the Student Government Association hosts for students. Renbarger said, “We start planning and brainstorming in August and the event is not until April. We put a lot of time and work into Bahama Breakaway.”

The outgoing officers for the Student Government Association plan the event and the newly elected officers help them host it. The new officers help set up and clean up, and then they will plan next year’s Bahama Breakaway. Renbarger said, “This is a good preview for the new officers to see how we host events for this organization.

“This was one of the best Bahama Breakaways that we have had since I have been attending school at Northwestern.”