Student Writer

It will seem like you have heard these tips over and over, but it is easy to forget them in the rush of college life. Being healthy doesn’t just mean no having a cold or being in shape. Mental health is important too. Staying as healthy as possible throughout college is a must.

There are too many deadlines and other things going on that you don’t want to miss. An article on the Healthy Eating website suggests some of these tips in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle in college.

  1. Exercise. Work out in the mornings if possible. It gives your body a boost of energy to start the day. Try to avoid working out right before bet. It will boost your adrenaline and make it difficult to fall asleep.
  1. Plan it out. Ashley Eddinger, a 22 year old senior majoring in Health and Sports Science says, “You have to manage your time and you have to plan it out.” You have to plan to be healthy, so plan what you should and shouldn’t eat and when you should work out.
  1. Stick to your plan.
  1. Don’t work out the same part of your body every day. Give your muscles time to heal- mix it up a little. For example, if you do legs one day, do arms and abs the next.
  1. Eat as healthy as possible. Although it’s a real challenge, try to stay away from “college food” such as canned food and Ramen. This is especially difficult for those that live in the dorms, so try to pick some healthier foods from the meal plan every once in a while.
  1. Watch how much alcohol you consume. We all know this is college and there will be parties, but alcohol is a sure way to hinder your health. Gaining weight and weakening your immune system are just a couple ways alcohol can cause you some problems.
  1. On your days off, try to still eat pretty healthy. If you work out 6 days a week, splurge a little with what you eat.
  1. Never skip a mealRebecca Jones, a 20 year old junior majoring in Biology with an emphasis in Health Science expresses how important it is to avoid skipping meals. She recommends that everyone should “eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Eat some snacks throughout the day too and always drink plenty of water.” Even though it may seem like you don’t have time to eat, make time or bring to go snacks. You need to keep refueling your body throughout the day so you will be able to focus in class.
  1. Vitamins are your best friend. In college you are constantly surrounded by sick people all the time, so you want to do everything you can to avoid getting an illness. Nobody really has time to be sick and a few vitamins certainly won’t hurt.
  2. Wash your hands. This may seem elementary, but if only you knew how many germs you come in contact with on a regular basis.
  3. Get enough sleep. Staying up at all hours of the night studying or partying happens sometimes, that’s just part of college, just don’t make a habit of it. Sleeping enough will keep you from having to drink too many caffeinated drinks to make it through the day.
  1. Naps aren’t just for little kids. Don’t be afraid to set an alarm for a 20 minute nap in the middle of the day. You’ll be glad you did.
  1. Try not to stress so much. College is a ridiculously stressful time for students. Moving away from home, meeting new people, and taking challenging classes is anything but a breeze for most people. Take more time to enjoy college and less time stressing about school work.
  2. Visit the Wellness Center. It provides quite a few opportunities for exercise. You can swim, run, lift, do yoga, and so much more.
  1. Yoga (seriously). Yoga has become one of the top trending exercises in 2015. It’s a great way to improve balance, fitness, and mentality.