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A few years back, I realized the tears of pain and agony after experiencing one of the worse heartbreaks of my lifetime. According to my ex-girlfriend seven years ago, she was never satisfied with her “Essence of Beauty”. Now before anyone judges my emotionalism about this situation, please adhere to the following elements I will explain. On this universal dimension, the essences of beauty have been disguised due to commercialism, and media advertising. “Beauty,” the term itself, has been misconceived over the centuries, especially when it pertains to women.

I’ve taken a close analytical look at the negative and derogatory approaches that men exhibit to women in modern times. My evidence of this hypothesis deals with three terminologies: beauty, infatuation, and romance. Since this pertains to those searching for true love and security with their spouse; this may be a good analysis for you.

Let’s start with “beauty”. Beauty by its English definition means a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form. Incidentally, beauty also deals with character, mind, and energy. From my understanding and analysis, men in the culture seem to manipulate women by inducing sexuality and initiating theatrical narratives.

If I approach a young lady, and all I analyze is her outer appearance and facial features, then I automatically create a misconception with myself about who she truly is as an individual instead of what she personifies from a materialistic perspective.

Since materialism has never been an aspect of my spirituality, I must be authentic about this analysis without exalting any falsifications. Beauty is in everything. Whether it’s nature, materialistic objects, or just simply the individual itself, beauty appears in various forms on our universe.

However, my interpretation of beauty is a little bit deeper. Essentially, when I approach a female of the species that exists on this universal plane, I do it with ethics, morality, respect, character, honor and honesty. If you’re not honest with yourself as an individual, how can you be honest and truthful enough to display proper character and morality to the female being?

Romantically speaking, if I contribute a romantic approach being a gentleman by displaying ethics, morals, respect, honor, character and dignity, then that female being is more analytically focused on me being ethical, rather than being derogatory. Romance is sometimes defined as a love story, folktale, or anything that deals with “love.” Romance is sometimes misinterpreted by humanity. Being romantic does not give males the right to construct a fairytale story to give the female a manipulative folktale that will never become a reality.

However, in all reality most women accept any statement or methodology that a male explains to them whether it’s truth or falsity.

Theoretically, being “romantic” can also have its discrepancies

Now, let’s turn over to infatuation. Many of us deal with this on a daily basis.

Being infatuated toward an individual usually means there’s a sort of crush or like that’s been identified by either the male or female. Infatuation is currently what I’m dealing with now. It seems that as I walk around the campus of Northwestern Oklahoma State, I’ve been infatuated with a particular young lady. I will not disclose that young lady by name; however it still needs to be addressed. Personally speaking, I rather show infatuation toward the female being instead of showing a romantic approach; here’s why.

Consequently, if I exhibit a state of infatuation on the first approach instead of the romantic approach; I’ll be able to analyze that female being by intelligence, intellect, knowledge and wisdom instead of “Sexuality”. During the infatuation process, I can measure her “beauty” by the levels of intelligence, intellect and knowledge, without personifying the view of her body composition. A woman’s body composition is a derogatatory aspect for men to focus on during the first occasional meeting or interaction.

Men, we have to wake up and exhibit royalty to the woman species. Women are the most disrespected species on Earth. In order to alleviate the derogatory and blasphemous approaches by men who lack knowledge, intelligence and intellect, we as males have to personify the supreme importance for our women.

Beauty does not require many perquisites, it just requires the essence of beautifying a woman’s emotions with knowledge, wisdom, intellect, honor and royalty.