
We’ve all seen it. That one person who posts on social media as if it were a job and they get paid hourly, whether it be their dog’s new tricks, their children’s new accomplishment, a “selfie” with the new look, or just simply what they had for breakfast, lunch and dinner that day. We’ve probably all thought the same thing about it too, “no one cares,” am I right? If this doesn’t seem familiar, then you may be that person, or you haven’t spent much time on social media.

However, I can also say I’ve done my share of posting things that probably didn’t need to be posted, and I’m sure, even if you don’t admit to it, you have as well. We all have our own opinion on what is too much to post, some people hardly post anything at all, others post all day long. It partly depends on what is going on in our lives.

When you get fed up with other people’s excessive posts what do you do? Keep scrolling? Tell them? Block them? What if someone was getting annoyed with your excessive postings? Would you want to know? Let me remind you, I’m not talking one specific post bothering someone, I’m talking about the religiously-on-the-hour posts about anything and everything.

Honestly, if I were posting excessively, I would like to know. First of all because I’m probably not aware I’m doing it. Second of all, if someone told me, I would probably think about what I’m posting and its importance to the people reading it. However, I would not want to be told in a rude manner. There are ways to say it without being hateful. So, next time you see this happen and you feel the need to tell someone their posts are annoying, think how you should approach it first.