by Ashley Watts, Student Reporter

Ninety percent of youth who are active in church as children stop attending church by their sophomore year of college.

This may be the case at other colleges, but at Northwestern Oklahoma State University, the number of students who attend Bible studies has actually increased in recent years.

“We have had more people come to our Bible studies in the last two years,” said Ronnie Payne, director of the Baptist Collegiate Ministries.

The BCM is one of many faith-based organizations on campus. The BCM holds Bible studies each Wednesday, and it hosts worship sessions on Thursdays. The BCM also hosts “Noonday” on Wednesday, an event in which local churches provide food to college students.

“I think there are a lot of people on campus that are believers, and they need a place to go where they feel comfortable,” Payne said.

The BCM is not the only place hosting Bible study sessions and offering free meals. The Wesley House hosts similar events.

“Every semester, you have a new group, and this year we have had more people show up than in past years,” said Sara Houchin, house resident at the Wesley House. “It is really amazing to see that, on this campus, we have so many active and thriving studies. It shows that God is at work on this campus.”

The Wesley House holds worship sessions on Mondays at 7:30 p.m., and it holds Bible studies on Tuesdays at 8:17 a.m.

The Wesley House, which is located west of campus, offers free lunch each Wednesday.

Although the Wesley House and BCM are the biggest Christian organizations on campus, the Bible Chair also offers free meals.

The Bible Chair is located across from the campus on College Avenue. It is open from 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. daily.
Whether students are looking for a place to relax or make new friends, they say they can find what they are looking for at places like the Wesley House and the BCM.

“Bible studies are a good place to ‘recharge’ for me,” April Burchfiel said. “It’s really easy for me to isolate myself and stay in my dorm with school work and Netflix all the time. Places like the BCM and Wesley House give me a second home where I connect with other people and feel supported. Opening God’s word with fellow Christians is so encouraging in the midst of a busy life. I love the challenge of bettering myself that it brings as well.” The BCM is located east of campus.