By Michelle Wilson

Feature/Entertainment Editor

Going through your daily life blindfolded would be difficult. Shortly after the move Bird Box was released on Netflix, it sparked an internet challenge.

People started to post pictures and videos of themselves and others pursuing everyday activities with a blindfold on.

In the movie Bird Box, the main characters are in a post-apocalyptic world.

They are terrorized by an entity that, when looked at makes people hallucinate, and end up killing themselves.

The characters are forced to go through their daily lives in a blindfold. That is what sparked the challenge.

The challenge videos show how difficult and impractical it would be to maneuver like that. Most of the videos are harmless and show people merely bumping into walls and counters.

Some became a little more dangerous when groups of people filmed themselves going outside and walking down busy streets and falling down subway entrances.

Some took it even further by driving blindfolded. A Utah teen got in a wreck while she tried to drive with a blind-fold on.