Opinion Editor

Until this day, it is debatable whether board games are still relevant to today’s fun activities for the public.

Ever since the internet has been introduced to us, online games have become an important factor to current gaming communities.

The main users of online games are usually teenagers and young adults.

I feel like children should not focus their fun activities on technology and rely on other games that push their imaginations to their boundaries, but it does not mean that online gaming is dangerous or bad.

online games have demonstrated to develop groups of people around the globe to meet each other and join the videogame platforms.

Most of the online games can be found in phones, computers, tablets, laptops, videogame consoles and other devices.

Online gaming can be one of the best ways to join in with your friends and spend hours of fun, even some of these consoles have included famous board games on their platforms; for example Monopoly, Uno, battleship, checkers, chess and many more. That clearly shows how the board game community had to adapt to the technological change that has made an impact in the game community.

An important question to ask ourselves is: Are board games still relevant? the answer is yes. Even though our gaming community is now mainly performed in online games, there are still groups of people that gather to play board games.

Fantasy tabletop role-playing games—for example Dungeons and Dragons—are the types of board games that it is best to only play face to face instead of being behind a screen.

I strongly think that having board games in the videogame industry is not a bad idea and they are still fun to play, but it is best to play them in front of real people how they were supposed to be played.

Those who prefer videogames over boardgames or vice versa, have fair reasons on why one is better than the other and how does it make it better.

I have played both videogames and board games throughout my childhood and I enjoy playing both, yet there was one thing I learned when I played boardgames which was to be patient and think deeply on what your next move is going to be.

Everyone should give boardgames a chance if they have not tried to play one before.

Not all board games require you to think thoroughly of what you have to do, there are games with basic rules and do not require any skill at all.

I hope that eventually we can bring back those fun nights of just playing Monopoly at a friend’s house until either one of us is broke, and skip the usual nights of joining your friends in online videogames so you can instead have an old-fashioned game night with them.