By Montana McCullough

Student Reporter

The world around us is constantly changing, with new information coming in each day.

Journalism is one way to keep the world informed about what is going on. Journalist report on the facts and give readers the information they need to make informed decisions. Journalism tries to be as unbiased and factual as it can. The newspaper strives to keep the news they report on factual and relevant. Rex Zimmerman, editor of the Kiowa News, said, “It [the newspaper] is a way of keeping the truth alive.” In recent times, people have putting “fake news” out on the Internet and others are believing them. “Fake news” is when someone deliberately writes information about someone or something that is untrue.

The idea of “fake news” isn’t new, but what is being put in those articles is what is attracting people’s attention.

Some people have stopped paying attention to the news because of all of the strange and untrue stories they are reading about.

People in today’s world get most of their news from the Internet and social media outlets. They don’t have time to sit down in the evenings and watch the news or read the paper. Anybody can get on the Internet and write an article. They can have the story written well and people believe it’s true because it seems to be true. They don’t fact check to make sure what they are reading is the truth. “In a world with all the social media, newspaper can keep the truth,” Zimmerman said. Newspapers can help people figure out what is going on in the world.

Journalism isn’t just about giving people facts about what’s going on, it also keeps people connected. Marione Martin, editor of the Alva Review-Courier, said, “It [the newspaper} keeps people informed with what’s going on in the communities and pulls community members together.”

Keeping people connected is how people stay informed. Journalism helps that by getting a message to a large group across a large area.

Some people rely on the news and newspapers to know what is going on throughout the world. Every newspaper may be different, but telling the facts is what they do.