Editorial Editor

End of the year is fast approaching, and with that comes the stress of finding a career and job. This can be a stressful task, especially with graduating seniors, so here are some stories from staff members at Northwestern about what career they were interested in during their childhood versus the jobs they work now.

Michelle Kingcade, store manager of the bookstore
“I wanted to be an equine massage therapist”
Michelle’s advice: Everything happens for a reason, where you are is where you are meant to be.

Mistie Kline, MCP
“Growing up I wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. I think it was the shiny pom poms.”

Paralells to current job: I’m a cheerleader for my students, I approach my class with the same enthusiam and positivity a cheerleader would.

Tamaj Gordon, assistant track coach
“When I was a child I wanted to be a doctor, then it changed to sports as I got older.”

Major: Changed over the course of college, as well changing minors too.

Venkata Moorthy, professor of biology
“When I was younger I wanted to be a teacher, then I broke my arm and changed it to doctor.”

Why teaching: Wanted to emmulate teachers I previously had, and wanted to teach students more things.