By DESTINY GARDNER, student reporter

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Share your gratitude to the world and compassion to others around you on World Kindness Day.

This day is celebrated on Nov. 13 every year. Its purposes are to highlight good deeds in the community and to focus on the positive power and the common thread of kindness which binds us.

This day has the power to bridge the gap between nations. I believe that this day should be more widely recognized among different communities to show appreciation to others in our community and the world. The idea is to lift or brighten someone’s day.

Give someone a compliment or do a good deed for someone with no expectation of anything in return. Another way is to do something in nature, like plant a tree or flowers to show you care about the environment.

Join many others to contribute to this day. 2020 has been a rough ride as it is, so recognizing and celebrating this day of care and selflessness to the earth and the people around you will have a meaningful impact. Make someone else’s day without expecting anything in return. I believe that, if this day was celebrated more, communities would be so much more positive.

As a college student, it helps a lot to know that there are people there to boost you up. College can be very stressful, so to have even just a little bit of positivity helps make the day better.

This day was introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement. The World Kindness Movement is an organization with no religious or political affiliation and has the aim of bringing similar kindness movements across the globe together.

This day is the easiest way to appreciate someone or something with no costs at all. All it takes is a little compassion and positivity. So, on Friday, be someone’s reason to smile without wanting anything in return.

World Kindness Day can and will have a huge impact if people get out of their comfort zones a little bit and reach out to others.

Be someone’s reason to smile, and keep the self-love and love to others open and positive for the best results of this day.