Staff Reporter

There is a holiday that happens every year, on the first Monday of September. It gets students out of class, teachers out with their families and America celebrating. If you guessed Labor Day, then you my friend, guessed correctly.

According to the United States Department of Labor, Labor Day is a creation of the labor movement, and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. Only once a year do people celebrate a day dedicated to working, by not working.

At Northwestern students don’t do much, on their day off to celebrate, and teachers take this day to relax. For others looking to spend their day off doing something, here are a list of things to do in the Alva area.

Kiowa, Kansas Labor Day Parade

Dena Walker, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, said she usually goes to see her family, and some years attend the Kiowa, Kansas Labor Day Activities.

The Labor Day activities in Kiowa include a parade, bean feed, 5K run, classic car show, craft vendor booths, sporting tournaments, cake walk, bingo, musical entertainment and more.

Alabaster Caverns State Park 

Walker also recommended, Alabaster Caverns State Park in Freedom. The park is 200 acres total, has 2.5 miles of hiking trails, has guided tours available everyday from 9a.m. to 4p.m. and camping areas. The cavern is ¾ mile, and is formed of alabaster, a rare form of gypsum. It is the largest natural gypsum cave in the world open to the public.

Great Salt Plains State Park

Another state park close to the Alva area is the Great Salt Plains State Park. It is located three miles south of Cherokee on State Highway 8. The park in known for crystal digging, which is open from sunrise to sunset, on Labor Day. The park also has a variety of wildlife such as snowy plovers, whooping crane, American avocet and much more.

Dean Scarbrough, an agriculture professor at Northwestern and active community member, recommended fishing at the Salt Plains Lake, which is located at the park.

Little Sahara State Park

For people who enjoy dirt bikes and ATV’s there is the Little Sahara State Park. This park is located in Waynoka, and is known as one of the best riding spots in the Midwest. It has sand dunes as high as 75 feet. Personal ATV’s that follow safety guidelines are allowed, and people can also rent ATV’s if they don’t have one of their own.

Alva Golf and Country Club

Another outdoor activity that a group or family could enjoy is golfing. Alva’s golf course is located north of Alva. On Labor Day it will be open from 11a.m. to dark. People can rent golf carts and golf clubs, hit some range balls and play nine to 18 holes.

Rialto Cinema 

People who prefer to stay out of the heat on Labor Day can attend a movie at the Rialto Cinema, which is located on Flynn Street in Alva.


Dr. Walker (580) 327-8586

Dean Scarbrough (580) 327-8487