Big or small, it is a chance to celebrate!

Photo essay by Derrick Galindo

First generation college students are known by their opportunity to be the first to graduate in their family.

With this comes trials and tribulations that they must overcome.

Overcoming these challenges calls for celebration.

Here are some of the moments I got to celebrate with fellow first generation students.

First was a trip to the capital. I got to hear fellow first generation students or graduates tell their tale of challenges and breakthroughs navigating college.

On a more small scale, the first generation club took a trip to a museum.

An especially great trip after our hectic schedules that week.

At the end of the day, no matter how big or small celebrations, they should be cherished.

Clad in green and purple, students and faculty in Trio Programs from across Oklahoma listen to fellow first generation students and graduates in order to celebrate Trio Day in Oklahoma.
Ash Crites and Lyla Murie walk to the Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center, an Oklahoma history museum in Enid.
Lyla Murie holds the prop sword gifted by Phillips University to the museum before it became NWOSU’s Enid campus.
Ash Crites pulls open a drawer, and listens to recordings from settlers of the Cherokee Strip.
Ash Crites and Lyla Murie walk into the sod house. A recording overhead tells the story of the previous inhabitants of the home.