
AgbolaThe Conservatives went at it again in an epoch making and sizzling debate at the Ronald Regan Presidential library located at Simi Valley, California. With a record of 23 million viewers, history was made for the Cable News Network (CNN). The highpoints to the build up of the 3-hour event featured news on the former Texas Governor, Rick Perry’s pullout of the race due to financial constraints and introduction of Carly Fiorina, the ex Hewlett Packard CEO and anticipation of how she will fare on the bigger platform after winning the happy hour debate of the first Republican debate on FOX.The billionaire and erstwhile show host, Mr. Donald Trump came into the debate as his usual self, high and flying Mr. no filter and anti political correctness front-runner. His opening remark was a hit at Sen. Rand Paul, stating he didn’t understand why the senator was on stage having been polling at 1%. The Kentucky senator immediately responded to Mr. Trump describing his conduct as of the junior high school level and wondered how a person of his demeanor could manage the affairs of the country. The great Donald had exchanges with Sen. Marko Rubio, Carly Fiorina, Governor Walker of Wisconsin and ex Governor Bush of Florida. On the whole, I think it was rather humbling night for Mr. Trump. Selecting the secret code name ‘humble’ when the host posed the question of what their code names will be should they become President of the United States was how I thought he felt about his night. The other candidates gave him an equal fight and he gradually faded away when the questions switched to more practical and calm discussions. Donald Trump agreed with a lot of opinions during the debate from his opponents as well including an unusual high five with Dr. Carson and Jeb Bush. He’s still the front-runner anyway. Could the polls alter? We’ll look forward to the interesting things that will transpire in the coming months.

Dr. Ben Carson didn’t really have a huge night as well, because he was quite extra quiet. He also came into the debate as what he’s always been- calm, analytical, a careful selector of words and an anti-fighter. This has helped his surge in the polls by closing in on Trump. Even though the nature of the questions was geared towards hitting at other candidates, Dr. Carson chose the peace way every time. During the debate, he called Mr. Trump an OK doctor when he was correlating autism to vaccines. Again, the retired pediatric neurosurgeon denied claims that he was referring to Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey on a statement he made even though the debate host suggested so. Does he need to be more energetic and outspoken? Will this approach work for him during the national elections should he win the Republican primaries? These questions and others will definitely be answered soon!

In terms of declaring who won the debate, an objective answer will be Carly Fiorina. Her responses to questions were phenomenal, and she gave Trump a lot to ponder about. Her strong opinion on Planned Parenthood and foreign policy exhibited she meant business and was a strong holder of conservative values and wasn’t leaving anything to chance. A mix to her high night was when she made a personal revelation about burying a child to drug addiction and that laws on drugs needed serious attention. That spoke a lot about her personality. Will she surge in the polls and possibly win the nomination? We’ll keep our fingers crossed.

Among the senators in the race, Marco Rubio stood out also. A strong holder of conservative principles, Rubio showed why he could be the nominee. A natural public speaker, he was versatile and knowledgeable on issues and offered workable policies. He should be someone to watch.

Speaking of the governors, Christie gave the impression that he wasn’t narcissistic when there was a back and forth exchange between Fiorina and Trump over their business successes and failure by calling them to order and urging the focus on pertinent issues regarding the citizens instead. He was strong on banning marijuana and calling for the prosecution of Hillary Clinton over her email scandal. Christie made a lot of references about what he’s done as New Jersey governor as well. Scott Walker of Wisconsin focused more on his accomplishments as governor of the state in his discussions mostly on tax issues.

On the whole, the Republican Party was the winner owing to the diverse talents it has. Whoever wins the primaries will sure be able to beat Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders or Vice President Biden should he decide to run and win the nomination.