Student Reporter

The United Way wreath and ugly sweater contest is a great way for students to participate in a fun activity during the holidays.

The wreath decorating and ugly sweater contest was such a big hit last year on the Enid Campus that they have decided to do it again this year.

The Wreath decorating contest is done by departments and student clubs so students are involved in the decorating. Last year, Northwestern had eight wreaths decorated by different clubs and school departments.  Candace Reim, student services coordinator on the Enid Campus, who oversees both the wreath and ugly sweater contest said, “Last year we ended up raising over $400 for the United Way.”

Eight groups decorated wreaths.  The wreaths were hung all over the Enid campus for about two weeks and people cast their votes by putting change in a jar that was set up for each wreath. Reim said “The maintenance department won last year,” Reim said.  “They decorated their wreath with different cleaning supplies. It was very cute.”

For the ugly sweater contest students and faculty will be emailing Reim pictures of their ugly sweaters.  She will print them off and hang them in the commons area for students to vote on by again putting coins in a jar for the ugliest sweater. The ugly sweater contest is open to students and faculty. Reim said “this is just something fun to let people get goofy.”

The proceeds from both competitions will go to the local United Way.  Last year was the first year for the wreath decorating contest and this year is the first year for the ugly sweater contest.

The winners of the wreath decorating contest gets a pizza party and the winner of the ugly sweater contest gets a $25 gift card.

Katie Botts, administrative assistant on the Enid campus, came up with the idea of the wreath decorating contest and Reim came up with the ugly sweater contest.  Reim said, “We were trying to find ways to get students more involved in the Christmas spirit of giving.”

If students on the Enid campus are interested in participating or need more information about the wreath or ugly sweater contests they can contact Reim at 580-213-3147 or through email at