Student Reporter

In less than a week America will be celebrating one of its favorite holidays – Thanksgiving.

This year’s Thanksgiving falls on Nov. 27.  For many students, it is a time to visit and dine with our families and be thankful for all that we have. A lot of students will be travelling around the country to visit family for the Thanksgiving break.

However, there are some students who will not be able to enjoy a hot Thanksgiving meal. For some, home is way too far, or even out of the country. For others, it is a short time to make the trip home before they can get back for school activities that resume the following week.

For those who will be staying behind in the dorms or school premises, great opportunities to enjoy a great Thanksgiving meal are actually present. Those include Baptist Collegiate Ministry, 1020 College (east of Carter Hall), Alva, 6-8 p.m.; and First United Methodist Church of Alva, 626 College St., 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Ronnie Payne, director of the Baptist Collegiate Ministry, said, “Some of our Nepali international students will be preparing some momos (Nepali indigenous meal), and we are also going to have some great American dishes served.”

Both meals are open to the public, both students and non-students.