by Michelle Willson, Feature and Entertainment Editor

As kids, we were always taught to work together. In school, they put us in group projects and made us work together in activities. Why is it that when we get into college and the real world we get divided into our departments and fields and we feel that it has to stop?

I propose we do more club and department collaboration. Not only would we be getting to know people outside our major, but we might also get things done faster.

One of the reasons I thought of this was the RA introduction videos, they were hilarious, but the video quality made it obvious it was shot on phones. Being a mass communication major, I know that we have some cameras, the software to edit the videos and students that would love to help.
I know the math/science department made 3D printed trophies for the SGA Talent Show.

In the future, clubs could be able to pay or barter with each other for services.

Just think about it, The Red-Hot Chili Preppers, Culinary Club, wants posters so they ask Art Society to design them and in return they make snacks for an art society meeting. In that case, an art student gets another thing to put in their portfolio, Culinary Club gets posters and Art Society gets food.

Clubs could do bake sales and other fundraisers together. A large number of students are in multiple clubs and it makes sense for clubs that have low attendance numbers to combine and conquer.

This could work all around campus. I feel that we are not utilizing all the areas we have available to us. If we did, more interdepartmental collaboration would help things run more efficiently. It just starts with clubs and departments asking others for assistance. The worst that would happen is someone saying they are too busy to help.

I honestly think we need to regain the notion that we should work as a team and not separate into our departments.