
ChrisLove is in the air, as tensions begin to flare. Expectations come to bear, for it’s the time to show you care. Tis the season we’re in, and all its reasons to grin. A moment of rhymes and not mimes ‘cause that’s not a crime for now is the time.

February has dawned on us once again, a period of bliss and pleasure for some, hiss and censure befall others. Valentine’s Day is imminent and the aura of love will surge. Many folks have a poetic feeling for the word LOVE. Usually, among college kids, love is seen with the “and they lived happily ever after” mentality. A tale of prince charming and the golden princess, where it’s only moments of hallucinations, butterflies in the tummy and dreaming about ponies. Inasmuch as I don’t disregard the essence of oxytocin and the other hormones for feeling love, I think there’s more to love than emotions only, to which we have limited it. It should be based more on actions than emotions. I’ll speak briefly about some areas pertinent to us students and how love should translate in them

To begin with, love for your future would define your priorities. The essence of gaining a college education is for an individual to attain that knowledge and skill for a career field. As such, all of his or her actions should be geared toward making his or her ambition a reality. Going to class, doing assignments and studying for those quizzes and tests should be important if you have a goal to reach in college. I’m not saying the college experience should be all about studies only. But the focus must be defined and a line drawn to decipher what is a priority. You can go to that party and have fun, but knowing that hangover would affect your 8 a.m. class the next day should aid you in deciding what or what not to do at the party.

Love for others makes you value them. Everyone you ever meet in your life has a role to play. Appreciating them for their uniqueness would help a great deal. No single individual is a quintessence of knowledge or wisdom. Have this in mind that to everyone you ever meet, he or she knows something you do not know. Therefore, it pays to be courteous toward them. I know personality is built for years based on nature and nurture. And as such, certain stereotypes, biases and conceptions we have regarding a group of people cannot change easily. But being open minded would make you realize how diversity makes life easier.

Furthermore, if you love sanctity, you’ll keep rules. I’m aware that college must be about exploration, thus being young, wild and adventurous. Common sense however should come into play. You wouldn’t want to break rules in the name of fun.  All college rules should be obeyed to the letter, from not keeping alcohol in your dorm room to taking trash out or not smoking within a required range of school property. You cannot claim you love your school and disrupt the peace and order of it.

Well, I’m not against your date plan with your girlfriend or crush. Nor I am saying sending that bouquet of roses or card or gift to him or her is unnecessary. My point is, love should permeate every area of our lives through our actions. You don’t need to feel it, before you show it.