
20150111_122214The twenty-first century has seen a tremendous alteration of life due to the advancement in technology. The question is whether this change in the status quo has been for better or worse. We thrive in a world of fast-foods, fast cars, smartphones, smart televisions and robots being able to perform tasks that required human labor in erstwhile years. Are humans advancing in direct proportion as technology is as well? Diverse opinions will express why they think people are smarter now or why they believe the earlier generations were smarter and independent. Here’s my take on this multifarious subject.

Firstly, should you ask me to describe life now; I’d sum it up in the word “aid”. There is help for anything you ever wish to do. That information you’d want to know is only a “Google” away. As a result, I think there is less motivation for individuals to consciously learn and apply knowledge. Why should I memorize this when I could find the answers on the internet? Kids are exposed to electronic devices at a tender age. As such, their worldview is constricted to the confines of their iPads, video games and other toys. Everything is perceived by them as must be easy and without stress. Brain activities and aptitude tests that require critical thinking is loathed by them or are engaged in with less motivation. Basic arithmetic such as 1+1 can be done on baby A’s iPad or already inform of a game. Why then should he or she memorize the multiplication table or spelling of words and vocabulary when autocorrect and predictive texts are available. Am I against use of electronic devices among neonates? That’s not the point. The brain has several nerves that must be exercised through aptitude tests and brainstorming activities. Less use of them however would make them adjusted to less work. Should there be more work for them as the individual grows up, it usually causes problems which affect the person in many ways.

More so, I think procrastination and carefreeness is more nowadays due to the fast and smart world in which we are domiciled. Why should I check my weight or exercise when there are nutritional supplements that could help lose the excess in few weeks. It took letters to travels for weeks to reach their destinations. Currently, it takes barely seconds for that application or email to reach the receiver. There is no need to write and prepare beforehand because I could accomplish it in seconds, many folks assert. In schools, students tend to pile up notes and assignments till the due dates and exams are imminent. One could call is laziness but that is not exactly it. The thing is that, the system is structured that way and students and socialized into the pattern. I’m neither encouraging procrastination or am I supporting mediocrity to any degree. I’m all for ambition, determination and goal orientedness.

Nevertheless, it takes a conscious effort and discipline for an individual to defy the status quo.