
chris teaser

The finale of the 2015 NCAA college basketball renders the Blue Devils of Duke champions.

Apparently, everyone thought the title was unanimously and undisputedly for the Wild Cats of Kentucky until the Badgers of Wisconsin usurped their wining streak of 38-0.

No one saw that coming. Did anyone? The intention of this article is neither to eulogize nor ridicule any of the teams. They all deserve to be applauded for even playing at that level because it isn’t sheer luck but hard work.

I tend to draw cues from events, which serves as inspiration for me as an individual. From the tournament, we as college students could learn that starting something is not as relevant as completing it.

You could have begun well on the weight loss process, keeping up with your classes, breaking that addiction or whatsoever. In as much as the process is pertinent, it is the end result that matters.

Kentucky was only a game away from the glory before they fell short. It sure was hardwork, determination and consistency that got them there but they didn’t make the story. Rather, they were part of the story due to their awesome record of 38-1.

I’m not implying mediocrity or apathy in any way because the basis for any conception is discipline. Thus, it cannot be ignored when one seeks to attain a goal or status.

The curtains on the semester are drawing gradually and there seem to be much more to do than ever. Let’s keep up with the processes and finish it well. Pressures from all angles might create despair but to be revered is braving them all and coming out successful.

That is the most important aim to reach right now. So to you out there down trodden in any form, I say keep your head up. You still got what it takes to complete right.

All the best to all students with the final weeks of the semester. And until finals, let your thoughts be “it’s not over until it is over.”