Sports Reporter

Campus Cleanup Day is set for Wednesday April 18 from 1 to 4 p.m. on the Alva Campus. This has been an event since 2009 according to Natalie Miller Assistant Certification Officer in Education and also the Staff Council Chair.

“The council would begin by taking surveys to see what employees wanted and it boiled down to showing our pride in Northwestern and giving back,” said Miller. “We usually try to do the clean up a week before foundations Spring Alumni reunion by helping the Maintmence Department out.”

Also added Miller. All the flowers that are in the flower beds and flowers pots were grown and then donated by the Agriculture department here at NWOSU. So this will be part of some the projects on campus clean up is getting those pots filled with fresh new flowers grown by the Ag Department.

The other huge projects is the green space, in which we pull weeds and take the old mulch out and then replace it with new. Also rake some leaves around the one room school house.

“In the past we have painted fire lanes around the horseshoe drive , picked up trash and raked leaves anything in this main area that the alumni will see on April 28,” said Miller.

The Maintmence Department will provide tools and help line out projects as well. CORE (Conserving Our Ranger Environment), a student club, will provide gloves, trash bags and some tools too.

The west side of the Student Union is where everyone will meet and greet. Announcements will be made and instructions on what needs to be done given.

All students or any volunteers are welcome to help even groups are welcome, if you have time for just a little bit that is fine all help is needed and appreciated. If you do want to help please RSVP to Andrea Lauderdale