Student Reporter

NWOSU parade has over thousands and thousands of people attend the three day event. It is set for Oct. 4-6 and the committee is looking for Theme and Parade Marshal.
The committee is looking for a theme from alumni, fans, people from the community or anybody that would like to admit a theme idea.
“Homecoming is great tradition and I have been ahead of the committee the last couple years,” said David Pecha,Vice President for Administration, also the head of the committee.
“It’s a fun committee to be apart of because everyone does their part to make it a success,” Pecha said.
The committee is also looking for a parade marshal. Pecha said his committee is looking for “Someone that has a connection to the University, and also has a passion for Northwestern.”
For people that haven’t been to the NWOSU homecoming Pecha explained how our homecoming compares to others.
“We are the best of any homecoming around,” Pecha said, “what I mean by is that if you have ever been to the parade it tends to last about an hour and half to two hours long.
“Area high schools have marching band. Communities come out and make floats. Athletic teams participate in it as well.”
Homecoming is an event for the whole family as Pecha describes it as “ an activity that they can bring the whole family out and enjoy. And there is a number of events that Saturday for the whole family to enjoy and make homecoming a special event.”
I hope everyone can send a theme in and help the committee out and also send applicants in for the parade marshal. Hope to see everyone next fall at homecoming Oct. 4-6.