News Editor

Some of you may have been keeping up with the defunding of Planned Parenthood. You know, the baby killing, money sucking, corporation that has no values?

Right. Abortions actually account for 3 percent of what women go to Planned Parenthood for.

Did you know that most women utilize the services at Planned Parenthood for general woman’s health checkups and cheaper birth control that can help with different symptoms of diseases?

But oh, it’s okay, we should probably take that away as well. You know, since all they do is provide abortions.

Planned Parenthood doesn’t push for women to abort their unborn child. They educate on all options that are available to them, including adoption.

When the House decided to defund Planned Parenthood, they took away birth control, wellness exams, and STD screenings away from people, men included, that otherwise go untreated.

While I was researching for this article, I read about an instance that Planned Parenthood provided funding for a surgery to take out possible cancerous cells in her cervix. Without the surgery, it could’ve advanced to cancer. But why?!

Why should a group of middle aged men (The House) get a say in anything that basically isn’t concerning them, such as women’s health rights.  Women should be able to do what they want concerning themselves and be free of judgement from those choices.

Planned Parenthood in Oklahoma doesn’t perform abortions, they only give referrals. They keep communities healthy at a low cost.

It allows teenagers access to birth control without parents knowledge if they don’t want them to know, but also don’t want to get pregnant. Also, they screen for STDs- again going back to teenagers not wanting their parents to find out.

Some pregnancies are just not healthy for some women, which is why they are on birth control. But now they can’t get birth control and they have an unwanted pregnancy with nowhere to turn.

So, all in all, I’m not really sure of the thought process behind the defunding of Planned Parenthood.  It honestly confuses me.

Picture this: you take birth control and use condoms to prevent pregnancy and diseases, but somehow you end up pregnant anyway. You are 21 and the first in your family to go to college. Yes, you’re in a committed relationship but neither of you can afford an abortion or a baby. You both have plans and dreams that don’t include having a baby at this time. So what do you do?