by Ashley Strehl, Editor-in-Chief

We all deserve a break, right? I mean most of us work pretty hard.
That’s why I am so so excited for fall break.

Let the video games all day, going out, staying up late and sleeping in commence I say! I LOVE FALL BREAK.

Some of you may know, I have an auto immune disease called rheumatoid arthritis. This disease causes me to be in pain, literally, all the time. Imagine going out, playing two basketball games, lifting weights, getting hit by a car, going to sleep and then waking up in the morning. That feeling? I feel that feeling everyday.

This causes me to be extremely fatigued, constantly, which is why I am grateful for a job that requires little to no physical stress.

So with this being said, I think I am the most excited person on this campus for fall break. Fight me. If you disagree, maybe you should read my above statement.

I could talk about my disease another time. Right now I want to talk about the importance of fall break. The fall semester has just begun and I know it hasn’t been easy on anyone. It’s very hard getting back into the swing of things after summer break. You might have to adjust to a whole new sleeping schedule, and you honestly can’t remember the last time you picked up a pencil in the last 2 months.

It’s a big adjusment. So it is important not only for our physical well-beings, but our mental well-beings, to really savor fall break. Even if you have to work.. RELAX. You deserve it. We only have three days and then.. it’s the last eight weeks, which will be preparing for finals…. yikes… big yikes.

Enjoy your fall breaks guys! I know it’s not long enough but take it from me, you should relax, your body needs it.