by Ashley Strehl, Editor-in-Chief

For this week I’ll have to search the archive. I got all my opinions out in my movie review on page 9, so make sure you go and read that!

Here’s my rant from issue 9 in 2018:
Well in case any of you care, Monday was my 21st birthday. (Tuesday was my 22) I honestly, wasn’t sure what I wanted to talk about this week. All I knew was that I wanted all of you to know that it was my birthday, and it’s the Northwestern News’ Birthday!

I had a good birthday, although, my birthday fell on a MONDAY. Let me tell you I had the Mondayest birthday ever. I woke up that day, late, went to class, but I was late. I missed a few assignments that were due that day.

I just kept telling myself, “stay positive, it’s your birthday, don’t anything rain on your day!” but deep down inside I was screaming.

I was so upset that all these things were getting in the way of my special day.

I take my birthday very seriously. Ever since I was young, I would count down the days until it was my birthday. It probably has something to do with the fact that I am an only child.

That’s beside the point. My point is-I was deeply offended that things were not going well for me on my birthday.

I realized that Monday does not stop being crappy for anyone, even if it is your birthday.

That, for me, made me understand that accepting that fact is just a part of growing up. After classes I headed home, I soon met up with my parents and friends for dinner. Ever since I was around the age of 16, my Dad has told me that on my 21st birthday we can get together and share a beer.

I looked forward to that moment for a very long time and it finally happened. It was worth the wait.

My birthday went much better this year. Thanks ya’ll.