Ashley Strehl, Editor-in-Chief

I hope all of you have a good thanksgiving break and remember to be thankful for those who care about you. Without further a-do, here is my editorial from issue 12 in 2018 …

A lot of medical issues have come to the surface for me since the semester has started. There’s one thing I want my readers to know: APPRECIATE YOUR LEGS. Walking without pain and struggle is a blessing, and I took it for granted.

That’s right. I cannot express how important self-care is. Worry about YOURSELF more than anyone else! Work out, do your hair, or at least brush it and eat GREEN food. Especially since finals are coming around, make sure you are staying healthy my friends, because your health can get in the way of your everyday life and it can become a big frustrating mess.

Writing is seriously great for your mental health. Once you get all your feelings down on paper or word document you see things from a different perspective.

This roots back to my self-care speech. Don’t hold feelings inside, if you have no one to tell them to, write it, seriously. You’re a student, you’re stressed enough, instead of getting frown lines, write lines. Hehe, see what I did there?

Your writing doesn’t have to be perfect, it doesn’t even have to make sense, just do it.

The best part is saving your writing and then looking back months/ years later and noticing how much self-improvement you’ve had sense then. I write when I am sad, angry, and even in moments that I am happy. I have three more pieces of advice to offer:

One: don’t let the words of others affect how you feel about yourself.

Two: for the love of Pete, don’t let a guy tell you how to dress, look, or feel. Men are irrelavent as heck. However that is a rant for another time.

I hope you all take my advice.
See you next week.