by Ashley Strehl, Editor-in-Chief

To my readers, thank you for taking the time this semester to sit down and read my columns. Even if sometimes they weren’t that interesting or a bit rough.

This will be my last column for the semester. I am so relieved to finally be done, and so is everyone on staff I think. We all worked very hard this semester to make this paper great and I am so proud of us.

I had many goals for the newspaper this year and I think we met all of them. I set out to ensure that most every piece of work in this paper was original content by either a member of our staff or a student in the Mass Communications department.

This brings me to my next point, not only have the staff worked hard on the paper this semester, so has every student in the department involved in our journalism classes.

Now, to my mass comm peers: I know that writing or design may not have been your favorite thing to do, but thank you anyway. Seriously, I would say that, for the most part, I have never had such a cooperative group of reporters and designers.

Not only does this reflect on your diligence as a student but it shows that you care about your future in the communications field. So thank you for being cooperative with me and respecting me and the staff.

I love this job. It has taught me so much and it’s hard to think that after I graduate in the spring I will have to move on and work somewhere else. Somewhere where I may not get to sing Disney songs with my co-workers or somewhere where my boss doesn’t make me a delicious dinner every other week.

As I start this next semester I am preparing for a new chapter in my life, for which I am both extremely nervous but also quite excited for. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I do know that I will take you all with me along the way.

Tune in next semester for more Northwestern News, thanks again.- Ash.