by Ashley Strehl, Editor-in-Chief

I received a lot of positive feedback on my column last week. Thank you to those who told me that I did a good job, and to those who agreed with what I said, and so on and so forth. .,.

This brings me to my next topic that I will be talking about this week: support systems.

Support systems can be vital to success. Northwestern has amazing professors, instructors and other faculty that provide you with a built-in support system, free of cost!

I was lucky to be adopted into the Mass Comm family, which is the best support system I could have asked for. I have professors that look out for me and only wish the best for me.

They have gotten to know me over the years, and now that I am a graduating senior, I can really see how much of an impact they have had on me. They see potential in me when I can’t see it in myself. They praise me when I do something right and provide constructive criticism when I am wrong.

I am in the process of looking for a job to start after I graduate (Yikes!). My mentors have really shined through this process, even if I did just start a week ago.

I can tell they really want me to get the best job I can get that will match my skillsets and make me happy. It makes me feel relieved that I have this many people looking out for me.

Not only are my professors looking after me, but my peers are too. Today in one of my classes, my dear Mass Comm friend Megan Brown emailed me a job listing that she thought I might be interested in.

I know I am always going on and on about Mass Comm, but seriously, it’s great.

Even if you don’t have a support system, be your own. Look in the mirror every morning and say, “You got this!” Even when you feel like you don’t.

Don’t be afraid to pat yourself on the back, either. You’re doing great! Keep going.