by Ashley Strehl, Editor-in-Chief

This week I decided I am going to rant about time management and how unbelievably hard it can be.

One of the main reasons this has come to mind is the fact that as I am writing this, about an hour and a half before I send this entire paper into the press . . . so there’s that.

I am a senior, so that means I am busy, both physically and mentally. Physically, because I have 11 hours of classes, 15 hours of newspaper work and another 11 hours of interning.

Mentally, because on top of all this I have to maintain a positive mind and spirit. I am also thinking about what my life is going to be like after I graduate, constantly. Sometimes that idea alone can be quite overwhelming.

So, I have to time manage all of this in an effective way where I can get everything done the best I can and still have time to eat, sleep and use the bathroom.

It’s hard guys. It’s the fourth week of school, but I am exhausted. However, like I said, I am trying to maintain a positive attitude and I honestly do not think I am doing a bad job.

So yeah, time management is hard, but I am going to tell you why it’s important. Basically, if you can’t time manage you’re going to struggle your whole life. Your employers are certainly not going to be impressed and you’re just going to be miserable.

Most important of all, on top of a busy schedule it is important to maintain your mental health.

Since I have started actively thinking more positive and having a busy schedule hasn’t been that bad. Yes I am tired, but most importantly, I am happy.

You create your own happiness. No matter how miserable your life may be, you can still be happy if you just put your mind to it.

I learned in church this past Sunday that you always have a reason to smile. If nothing else, you’re alive, breathing and you should be grateful you have that privilege. Stay focused and think positive!