by Michelle Willson, Editor-in-Chief

Politics. I know, just the word makes people uptight. I don’t want to be yelled at for my political beliefs for this article. That’s not the point. The point is bigger than that. The two-party system is broken, political ads are only about the negatives of other politicians and we are stuck with two sub-par politicians to be president for the next four years.

It being an election year, we have commercials and advertisements being shoved down our throats. What I don’t like is the fact that most of the advertisements are directed at the negatives of the other candidates. Well this guy didn’t support this guy when he needed it most, well this guy tried to run over me with his truck (Yes that was really on a commercial).

Shouldn’t we be focusing on what the politicians want to change and how they plan on doing it? Why are we constantly being forced to vote for the lesset of two evils?

One of my biggest problems with politics is the fact that everyone can see that the two-party system is broken. The last two years we have been giving sub-par politicians a chance to be president. You can’t honestly look at the two candidates for this year and truly believe that they are the best that are nation has to offer. I know a lot of people agree with me, but what are we doing to fix it. Why do we have a two-party system that’s so broken that this is our result?

George Washington warned about splitting into two parties as he was leaving his presidencies.He knew that having a two-party system would end badly and it has. With the two-party system, it’s pretty much impossible for any third party to win. People are worried that voting for a third party would throw away their vote, and they aren’t going to risk that.

We live in a severely divided nation. Everyone can agree with that. Regardless of what side of the political spectrum you’re on, it’s evident.

Most people won’t even sit down and calmly listen to the other side. If we can’t have calm talks about it, then there is no way we’ll ever be able to agree on anything, especially when those who are more educated in politics want to speak and you shut them down because they don’t believe in what you believe in. Listen, maybe learn something and reevaluate where you stand. Sometimes just listening to the other side will broaden your expectations. Now, I don’t mean forcing your side on them, but calmly telling them what you believe in and why you believe in it will help them better understand your side.