by Michelle Willson, Editor-in-Chief

How hard is it to follow the rules?

Personally, even if I don’t like them I’m able to follow them without question. Just because a mask makes you uncomfortable or you want to see your significant other doesn’t mean you should go against the COVID-19 rules to do so.

I don’t care how stupid you think the rules are or how the rules make you feel…if you are potentially going to be saving other people, follow them.
I am not saying that you should never question authority. I feel like “Lemonade Mouth” showed us that. I am just saying there is a time and place to get your voice heard by those in charge but blatantly trying to sneak around the rules is not the way to do so.

I don’t like to rant often, but there are things that just make me mad. It is not cute to go against the rules; no one thinks that it makes you cool, so why are you doing it.

Just because you’re not in danger due to COVID doesn’t mean other people aren’t. There are autoimmune diseases that could cause people to die if they get COVID.

I have avoided going home because I do not want to risk the chance that I have come in contact with someone with COVID I don’t want to risk giving it to my mom or my little sister or my mom’s Daycare kids. Because it could be detrimental to them.

So, don’t party just because you are bored. Avoid unnecessary contact with other people and wear your mask. It is really not that hard. You could be saving someone’s life.

Why are people still protesting wearing masks? Why are they protesting not being able to visit nursing homes? You could kill one of the residents if you have the disease even if you are not showing symptoms.

At the nursing home I worked for we were not allowed to come in to work if we had any symptoms of anything… Even the common cold or the flu because we cant risk infecting the residents.

In conclusion, just because something is not effecting you does not mean that its not effecting the people around you. You should not risk someones life because you don’t like a rule.

Just be considerate of other people. That’s one thing I don’t think you can be taught. Think about how your actions are affecting those around you and change your action because of it. Think of your grandparents, siblings or relatives and do the right thing.