by Michelle Willson, Editor-in-Chief

Everywhere you turn it feels like people in power are trying to take basic human rights from people.

Just yesterday I saw a headline that read “U.S. Supreme Court could roll back LGBTQ equality.” Why? Why is it even a question?

When you ask those against equality of any kind they normally pull their religion into it…But isn’t there supposed to be a separation of church and state?

Just because it is against your religion does not mean other people cannot participate in it.

This goes with so many arguments: Gay Marriage, Abortion, eating meat, tattoos and piercings and so many more. If it is against your religion…just don’t do it.

Why does allowing others the same rights as you bother you so much?
Do you even know why those things are against your religion? Do some research it might surprise you. I am catholic but I fully support gay rights.
Did you know that the reference to homosexuality wasn’t even added to the bible until 1946 when it was retranslated? Maybe we should go back and investigate why they chose to retranslate it like that.

Just because I don’t eat meat on Friday’s during lent does not mean that you cannot eat meat nor can I stop you from doing so. Personally, I don’t even care if you eat meat around me when I can’t because it is my choice to practice my religion and yours to practice yours.

For some reason, people think that giving other people equal basic human rights takes away from their own…In no way can I rationalize that mindset.
Not everything is give and take. No one is diminishing your rights by giving rights to others.

If I want to get tattoos and piercings you have no right to tell me not to.
“Your body is a temple” is not going to stop me from getting metal shoved into my nose. Even temples are adorned with stain glass windows and statues.