by Michelle Willson, Editor-in-Chief

Ever just, realize weird things that happened as a child that we just agreed with. Why did our parents give us sprite when we were sick? Does Vicks actually do anything to help you? Why are some foods a breakfast food why is it bad to have pancakes for supper? Why have we just accepted these norms.

I tried to do research to see if I could figure out why our parents gave us sprite when we were sick. Most resources just say it is a tradition, my mom claims it settles your stomach but is that true? I completely heartily thought of sprite as a type of medicine growing up. Something you only drank when you were sick I was completely shocked to find out people drink it every day for fun.

If you live in the Midwest, I am sure at one point in your life you were sick and had to slather Vick Vapor Rub all over your chest but that was not where it stopped. Stuffy nose… Put Vicks in your humidifier. Headache… Rub Vicks on your temples. Literally, any sickness…put Vicks on your feet…because that is going to help? Is this just.

Why have we all excepted this unspoken criteria of “Breakfast Food” have steak for breakfast if you want. I am going to eat cereal for supper…to be fair I eat cereal almost every meal but that’s a different problem.