by Michelle Willson, Editor-in-Chief

Why is it that no one cares about Halloween?
Halloween is and will always be my holiday, but Christmas was being forced down our throats before Halloween was over with this year. Walmart had started pushing the Halloween stuff into the center aisle and started to replace it with Christmas early last week.
Starting Nov. 1, you can celebrate Christmas all you want but I don’t want your Christmas lights shining on my Halloween decorations on Oct. 31. I know there will be someone complaining that Christmas is happening before Thanksgiving but in my mind, Thanksgiving is a fake holiday. By now everyone should realize that the real reason, we are out of school is for Black Friday, The superior holiday in November.
Because of the lack of spirit this Halloween, my friends and I will be celebrating Halloween 2.0 on December 25. We don’t know exactly what all that will encompass but There will be costumes and candy so that’s all that matters.
I am slowly coming to the realization that most of our holidays are supported by the lies we are told as a kid. But I don’t think society is ready to address that problem.
So, as you are sitting by the fire with your hot cocoa, just remember that traditions are best when they are unique to you. Don’t just settle for a tradition that every family does. My family has ham on thanksgiving, Sparkling cider on New Year’s while we watch the ball drop at 11 and then head to bed. Normally, we don’t even stay awake until midnight. Any time we are together we play “Super Mario Bros 3” or “Doctor Mario” on the Nintendo NES or “Mario Kart” on the Wii. These things are special to me because they are unique to my family.
I hope everyone remembers that during the Holiday season it doesn’t matter what’s under the tree; it matters who you are with.