By, MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

Wow, 2020 was awful And I’m afraid that 2021 was following its footsteps. That being said I think it could be better if people started taking the pandemic seriously. Wear your mask, wash your hands and disinfecting surfaces is not hard and can potentially save someone’s life.

At this point we’re all tired of hearing about the pandemic, the election and all other 2020 catastrophes in the news. But it’s not going to get better if we don’t change something.

I can’t believe the amount of people who choose not to wear masks when in public. You’re choosing your comfort over someone else’s life. Your mask is to protect other people and their mask is to protect you. I watched how this pandemic has affected the ones that I love. at this point we probably all know someone who has died from the pandimic. So why are we still not taking the seriously. Why are we still meeting in big groups.

I grew up in the Catholic Church… The church doesn’t prove your worth as a Christian or any other denomination. Most churches are having online services and yet there are still so many people going into these churches not wearing masks not social distancing putting everyone else at risk. You can still pray, you can still read your Bible and you can find sources or other churches that post homilies and other religious activities that you could do in the safety of your own home instead of where you can infect other people.

I know a lot of people were mad when the government forced us to quarantine and then it allow us to go to church. But looking around you could tell that if it was just a suggestion no one would have followed it It had to be enforced for people to care about other people and I think that’s pathetic.

Some countries forced quarantine and now have little to no new cases. Look at New Zealand, Hong Kong and Thailand. They were able to pull this off because everyone took it seriously, everyone quarantined and they all took precautions. Why are our numbers so high? How can we claim to be the greatest country in the world when no one cares that members of their family, community and other Americans are dying.

A new year is not going to magically change anything, a new year is just another day but it’s another day where you can start on clean slate, where you can change how history will look at the year… But on the tracks that we’re on now it’ll be just another 2020.