By, MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

I hate cold weather. It makes my joints hurt, and I am already clumsy.

There is no need to add ice to the mix. Plus, I get stir crazy walking around my dorm with nothing to do. I got a week ahead of homework, and now I am out of energy drinks. I am so bored I could take a nap. I honestly don’t know what else to do.

I also hate layering. So, when it’s cold and I am forced to layer to stay warm, it’s rough.

I know as soon as I get to the next building that the heater will be on high. I will have to take the extra layers off and then put them on again when I leave, and I personally hate the thought of that.

I’m lucky. My suite mate and I get along really well, so I am not stuck in a situation that I hate. But a lot of the time, we just stare at each other, asking each other what we want to do and not making any decisions.

I did have to walk across campus to Jesse Dunn on Tuesday, and I nearly slipped multiple times. I found it easier to step on the grass as much as possible to avoid the slick sidewalks. But at some points in my long, treacherous journey, it was impossible to avoid cement. Thankfully, I made it all the way there without slipping.

I wish I would have thought about going to Walmart before this all hit. But I can survive on Ramen Noodles for a few days, and I can stock up at the Student Center as soon as school gets back in session.

I do appreciate the “snow days.” It has been nice to stay inside, sleep in and get ahead on homework.

I was hoping the cold weather would encourage people to wear their masks, but I have yet to see it helping in any way. I have watched people wear their mask outside and take it off as they enter Walmart. Why? I don’t know.

I swear that people are being babies when it comes to masks. No joke. I can ask my mom’s daycare kids to wear masks, and they can keep them on without taking them off. One of them is 2 years old. If I told her to wear it, she would. What does that say about the adults refusing?

I know all my rants end up ranting about the same things, but that’s really the only thing that outright angers me.

I hope everyone is staying safe and warm. I know being at home can be boring, but it’s better than risking your and your families’ lives. Just because we are in an ice storm doesn’t mean COVID is gone.

Continue to follow the covid rules, and remember to use lotion every once in a while.