By MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

Senior-itis. We’ve all heard of it, but I don’t think we realize how much of an impact it makes. I’m a senior, but I still have one credit hour missing, so I will have to do one credit hour during the summer. I’m so close to finishing my college degree, yet I struggle so hard to do my classes.

My classes aren’t even hard. But most of the time, I can’t find the motivation or even the attention span to finish them. Now I do get them turned in, but I know it’s not my best work, and that’s all I can do.

To someone looking at my situation, I would look really lazy. I struggle with mental health, but this is almost more than that. Even on my good days, I don’t have the attention span that I need to complete my assignments to the best of my abilities.

I honestly don’t know if this makes sense to anyone else. But especially lately, I’ve been so tired. Like I barely have the energy to get out of bed, kind of tired.

Sometimes it’s hard to even Zoom in to one of my classes. It’s a class that I don’t even have to participate in; I just have to be there, and sometimes, it just takes so much energy.

I know the pandemic hasn’t helped my situation. But other factors also have made it worse. The weather keeps us inside, and that by itself makes me feel claustrophobic and tired. Not to mention other factors like my health, my family’s health and other family issues.

I don’t understand why everyone puts this glamorous filter over the college experience. They always talk about the good experiences and the fun times you have but, no one talks about the bad days.

If you’re in the situation that I’m in, the only thing that I have found is to take a day. Pick a day where you won’t miss many classes and just focus on you. Sleep in and eat a good breakfast. No matter what time of the day it is, you finally get up, shower and do things that make you happy. Have a total refresh. Then you’re good to go for another week or so. In a perfect world, you could do this on the weekends but everyone knows that weekends aren’t always like that.

In any case, I hope that this helps those struggling with the same things that I am. I hope it gives you an insight on to what other people might be facing.

By no means am I looking for sympathy. I just want to share my experience so other people have another point of view.

Stay warm, keep your attitude positive and your COVID test results negative.