By MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

I have been focusing a lot on the negatives of the pandemic in my rants, so I thought I would switch it up a bit. The pandemic has been rough, but there have been some good things.

Personally, since events were closed, I have had more time to get to know myself. (I know that sounds weird.) What I mean is I finally had time to find things that I like doing by myself.

I struggled with Zoom and getting my point across virtually at the beginning of all of this, and I realized it’s because I rely a lot on my actions and body language.

I have been forced to grow in a way that allows me to get my point across and express my opinions with my words. I realize that this is not going to be a universal experience, but it’s something that the pandemic has really helped me with.

Throughout high school, I was in every club and sport, and I went to every event. I was constantly busy, and I never got time to myself.

I grew up with six siblings alongside all my mom’s daycare kids. I never had to play by myself, but I also never had my own room. I cannot fathom what it’s like to grow up as an only child.

The first time I got quarantined for a possible exposure, I loved it. I slept in and watched TV. I was stuck in my dorm for over a week, and I didn’t care. I loved having the freedom to do what I wanted on my own time.

I had a couple more covid scares where I was quarantined, and the isolation slowly got to me. I had never had to spend that much time keeping myself busy. The pandemic has also taught me that life is short, and we shouldn’t take it for granted. I know it’s a little morbid, but you never know what’s going to happen, and you should make every day count.

Another upside to covid are the memes. They are not only funny, but they show how humor helps in stressful situations. I think it has really helped bring us together when we physically could not be by each other.

Yes, the pandemic is awful. It ruined a lot of events and killed a lot of people, but with every situation there is a bright side. You just have to look hard enough.