By MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

The semester is almost done. This week, I’m going to use my rant section as less of a rant and more as a advice coming from a “ senior.”

To undecided students: Don’t settle for a major your first semester. Take this time to look into the different subjects you might be interested in and just do gen eds.

When I came in as a freshman, I knew I was interested in mass communication, but I wasn’t sure I had done classes throughout high school. I knew that was something I liked, but I could never tell if it was something that I wanted to continue as a job.

I came to NWOSU ready to jump into things, and I wanted to be involved in school like I was in high school. I started doing mass comm classes. I became an editor of the newspaper. I really did the full nine yards I participated in theater, I joined clubs and I quickly became a board member.

But where did that get me? I’m a senior, I don’t particularly like my major and I’m not sure what my next step is.

Everyone is saying to continue with my education or just get a job because I already have the qualifications, but the thought of spending the rest of my life doing something that I just kind of like feels like a death sentence. I don’t know what I want to do, but I am pretty sure it’s not this.

All of this could have been avoided if I followed the normal setup of classes. I could have still been an editor of the newspaper to see if I would like that side of mass communication without throwing all my cards in the same pile.

Don’t be afraid to get a second opinion. Ask around to upperclassmen and other teachers and get their advice. Find the path that best fits you.

A great thing about Northwestern is that the teachers want you to succeed. They want you to have a positive experience while you’re here, and you can help guide that decision. If you know what you want to do, go for it. If you don’t, explore until you find something you’d like.

This will officially be my last rant as an editor of the Northwestern News. Good luck with your journey, and Ride, Rangers, Ride.